By Andy Kirchoff
Today, thousands of Americans of all political persuasions mourn the ongoing tragedy of legalized baby-killing in this country. On this day in 1973, SCOTUS handed the American people the pile of legal gibberish known as Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion procedures during all moments of a pregnancy – even up until the very moment of birth itself. Over 50 million Americans have been killed by abortion in the 39 years that have passed since this tragic decision. That is 50 million too many.
While I am unable to attend the March for Life this year as I have in years past, I stand in solidarity with the countless number of pro-life Americans (including two of my younger brothers, who are joining in the March for Life today) in working and praying for an end to abortion. I also offer the GOP my gratitude for opening its doors to pro-life Americans such as myself looking for a political home. With the Obama administration and the Democratic Party at large opposing even the most modest regulations on abortion procedures, it’s safe to say that the ever-growing number of pro-life Americans will continue to be drawn to Republican candidates so long as the party continues to stand in favor of the unborn.
Unfortunately, the GOP has allowed Planned Parenthood and other abortion-aligned allies quite a bit more wiggle room in the GOP since 2008. No, I’m not talking about the nomination and election of staunchly pro-choice RINOs like Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), as bad as they are. I’m talking about the infiltration of the GOP and the Tea Party by anti-immigration organizations like NumbersUSA, FAIR, and the Minutemen – all of whom are either bankrolled and/or staffed by abortionists, eugenicists, racists, and other operatives from the culture of death. Yes, you read that correctly. Planned Parenthood and its allies in the abortion industry are directly connected to the “anti-amnesty,” “border security,” “anti-illegal immigration” movement in this country.
Let’s start with FAIR, the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform. FAIR openly advocates for strong enforcement measures like SB1070, E-Verify, and legal immigration caps, while opposing efforts to streamline legal immigration. This group is commonly cited when the issue of illegal immigration is raised in news reports, especially amongst conservatives; FAIR’s statistics have been used by Bill O’Reilly, Gov. Jan Brewer of AZ, and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), among many others. It’s the largest and most well-funded organization of its type in the country.
FAIR was started by a man named John Tanton, who founded Planned Parenthood of Northern Michigan back in 1972. He continues to openly advocate for abortion, as his letters to supporters indicate quite clearly. His racism and anti-Catholic prejudice is clearly documented. But FAIR’s connections to the abortion rights movement run far deeper than Tanton; FAIR’s Board of Directors is a veritable laundry list of abortion advocates and pro-choice stalwarts. Sarah G. Epstein, FAIR’s Secretary, is on the Board for Planned Parenthood in Washington State. Alan Weeden, another member of FAIR’s Board of Directors, has connections with Planned Parenthood International. Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA), head of FAIR’s political outreach, is a pro-choice Republican. There’s even Joyce Tarnow, a Florida abortionist who famously said Haitian earthquake victims should “stew in their own juices,”who was until very recently listed on FAIR’s website as a member of their Board of Directors.
Another prominent “anti-illegal immigration” organization that is playing a particularly outsized role in the current GOP presidential primary is NumbersUSA, headed by Roy Beck. Beck is a close friend of John Tanton, and his website has advocated for “family planning services” (read: abortion). NumbersUSA is not content to end illegal immigration; for them, virtually all immigration must be slowed down or stopped. Unsurprisingly, this extreme and economically detrimental position has led many a racist into the ranks of the organization, and John Tanton has kept his close eye on the organization the entire time. NumbersUSA, too, has been actively supported and even cited by some grassroots conservative activists and tea party groups – a fact that should make every pro-life Republican and tea partier shiver.
It may not be immediately obvious to pro-lifers that abortion advocates and eugenicists should be so interested in immigration issues. I myself was incredulous when evidence of this connection was first presented to me. Since when does Planned Parenthood’s racist, abortion-supporting agenda have anything to do with immigration? Well, as anyone who’s viewed Maafa21 can tell you, the pro-choice movement has always about racism and eugenics, not empowering women, and the “anti-illegal immigration” movement has never been about “border security,” either. Allowing women to kill their own children is not a promotion of “women’s rights.” Likewise, allowing government to enter people’s homes and detain and/or separate them from their families does absolutely nothing to improve border security. Both acts do, however, violate human dignity – something the government is supposed to defend and protect, not violate.
Pro-life conservatives owe it to themselves to confront this menace head on. Conservative politicians cannot be allowed to advocate for Planned Parenthood’s agenda, whether its abortion “rights” or enforcing “the law.” Lincoln and Reagan had no place for such things, and neither should we.
The post Pro-Lifers: Did You Know that Planned Parenthood Goons Started the “Anti-Illegal Immigration” Movement? appeared first on Cafe Con Leche GOP.